
Bobby Schindler advocates for medically vulnerable persons through the Terri Schiavo Life & Hope Network, and by speaking on behalf of the vulnerable. His particular areas of focus are:

Patient & Family Advocacy

Every patient and family deserves the strongest, most life-affirming advocacy they can get. For every few great physicians, medical institutions, and insurance companies that do provide excellent care, there are others who do not serve patients and families in a manner consistent with their human dignity. Bobby Schindler helps patients and families navigate a crisis medical situation in a positive, life-affirming way.

Attorney & Physician Crisis Referrals

There are times when advocacy alone is not enough to uphold the human dignity of an at-risk patient. Bobby Schindler helps connect patients and families to life-affirming attorneys and physicians willing to liaise with relevant physicians, medical institutions, and insurance companies to foster a positive outcome for those at-risk.

Spiritual & Emotional Support

It’s often surprisingly true that, “where there’s a will, there’s a way.” It’s with this in mind that Bobby Schindler helps connect patients and families with spiritual and emotional support in their time of crisis, helping bolster the will to fight for life, and for life-affirming outcomes in the face of sometimes difficult prognoses. Faith as well as simple friendship can be the rock upon which an improbable personal recovery is built.

Advanced Directive Guidance

Advanced Directives, which are often called “Living Wills,” are important and powerful documents for ensuring your life-affirming wishes are respected in moments of crisis. Bobby Schindler helps connect patients and families with guidance for setting up the most durable, reliable forms of Advanced Directives, and equips patients and families with total knowledge about the strengths and weaknesses of these documents.

Ethical Guidance

Whether your or a loved one is facing an unexpected, potentially life-or-death set of decisions about medical care, Bobby Schindler helps connect patients and families with ethical guidance for life-affirming care. In this way, we serve families who have to consider potentially life-saving or death-hastening decisions on behalf of an incapacitated loved one.